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Choisissez votre formule
3-month Payment Plan
520£GBTous les moisValable 3 mois- Philosophers Stone 16-Week Journey
6-month Payment Plan
260£GBTous les moisValable 6 mois- Philosophers Stone 16-Week Journey
3-month Payment Plan
53£GBTous les moisValable 3 mois- Deep Elemental Clearing
2-month Payment Plan
78,50£GBTous les moisValable 2 mois- Deep Elemental Clearing
Reveal - 8 months
236£GBTous les moisValable 8 mois- Reveal
236£GBLast paymentValable 1 mois- Reveal
6 session package
680£GBDiagnostic + 5 Somatic sessions + ongoing Telegram supportValable 6 mois- Revealed Soma - Somatic Attunement
6 month pricing plan
111£GBTous les moisDiagnostic + 5 Somatic sessions + ongoing Telegram supportValable 6 mois- Full diagnostic + 5 somatic sessions + ongoing support
Somatic Attunement 7month plan
88£GBTous les moisDiagnostic + 5 Somatic sessions + ongoing Telegram supportValable 7 mois7 Session Pack
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