Revealed Soma - Somatic Attunement
Healing and trauma-release work using the Body Individual session
Service Description
Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour la version française https://1drv.ms/b/s!AsX2hOYkZxLeitoKvtKnVHFBavL6oA?e=PDBwGs Let's break away from the scenario where someone else (a coach) tries to crack you open, fix you, or tell you how to. Revealed Soma helps you connect with the Soma, “the living body”, so that you can crack open from within, with ease and gentleness. Through Revealed Soma, we awaken consciousness, through the portal of the body. This is how you will reveal your true essence. With Revealed Soma, I guide you through Your Soma, so that we can track the anchor of your traumas and I provide you with somatic resources to work with. I do not tell you what to do. I help you connect within so you have the resources you need to follow your body, your heart. This is true empowerment, true sovereignty. My work is based on Self-Holding Method™, a modality created by Sigourney Belle, Founder of Soma Mystica™, The Leading Global Accredited Modality & Training in Neurophysiology, Esoteric Anatomy, Subtle Energy Medicines & Bodywork. Revolutionary! My sessions include: - Guidance to attune to your Soma, explore the blockages and help you find the resources and tools you need to release them and connect closer to your Body. - Personalised naturopathic advice based on 5-element nutrition and practices - Support via Telegram or WhatsApp
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please contact us at least 24 hours in advance.
Contact Details